So you’re moving abroad?

Congrats – this might mean no more miserable winter mornings, mind-numbing commutes, ecru cubicle farms, or endless emails stuffed with meaningless corporate claptrap!

But how are your preparations going?

Are you shrugging your shoulders and looking sheepishly to the side?

Fear not – provided you’re not actually stepping on a plane tomorrow, we’ve scoured the internet, spoken to friends across the seas and searched deep within ourselves to collate three savvy ways to prep like a pro when you’re moving abroad – let’s get stuck in!

  1. Shop your overseas look

If you’re moving from say, Scotland to Jamaica, you’ll probably find that there’s little call for your thick corduroy trousers, deerstalker hat, sock suspenders, heavy brogues and waterproof Mackintosh jacket.

In this type of climate you might need a light linen suit or relaxed business-casual gear (think chinos, polo shirts and deck shoes) but for comfort it’s likely you’ll spend most of your time in shorts, a vest or t-shirt and flip flops. Struggling for sartorial inspiration for your destination? Take a look at this article on global clothing conventions from MindTools.

  1. Learn the language

If you’re going abroad for more than a few weeks, you really should try to become as fluent as you can in the local language before you get there – especially if you’re going to a nation where there are no clues even in the textual language of street signs or in shops (think China or Japan, for example).

Free language apps provide an accessible start, but a tutor service like Teachers To Your Home is much more substantive and effective – with face to face lessons from a qualified expert in your chosen language, you’ll quickly settle in at your destination and starting your new life will feel much smoother.

  1. Find out about opening a local bank account

Opening a bank account at home has probably never been easier – answer a few questions and you can download an app and enjoy mobile banking 24/7.

But things aren’t always this simple when you migrate. For instance, you might need a local account for your new employer to pay your salary into, and this often requires supporting documentation from your job. You can also choose to keep your home account, although local fees will likely be levied with each transaction, or you bank might offer an international account you can use anywhere. Finally, an offshore account might be ideal if you want to take advantage of attractive tax arrangements. Read this article from Experts for Expats for more information and guidance.

Follow these three tips when you’re moving abroad and you’ll slot in seamlessly like a local instead of sticking out like a sore thumb – by taking the requisite time to prepare yourself, you’ll have the best start to an exciting new chapter in your life!

Do you have advice on moving abroad? Please share it in the comments section.

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