What is Northern Ireland Famous/Known For?

Northern Ireland where the smell of wet grass, a walk on a street that has been hit by the rain, a castle which the fog has determined to swallow and how beautiful it is to look out over a cliff whose border is the only one responsible for the ocean. With a panorama of stony and dark rocks daring to disturb a furious swell. Horizon of anonymous islets born by an ancient lava spill where only seabirds are able to mediate. What is Northern Ireland famous for? What are those essential places to see during a trip to the real set of Winterfell?

7The Giant’s Causeway

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Once upon a path of large hexagonal basalt stones. Once upon a time known as Giant’s Causeway. This natural monument, the most visited and photographed in Northern Ireland, was born by the effect of cooling volcanic lava by touching the sea water. Legend has it that a giant named Finn McCool inhabited the area who wanted to face another giant like him on the Scottish coast and his name was Bernadonner. In order to get in front of him and be able to fight, he threw large rocks into the sea to make a road with which to save the distance that the ocean put between them. But, what deluded him was that his enemy Bernadonner was much bigger and stronger, so he ran away in terror. Today the landscape that makes up the Giant’s Causeway is a World Heritage Site. Nobody leaves that collection of no less than 40,000 basalt columns born a whopping 60 million years ago indifferent.

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