8The Tire Cemetery

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This is where millions of old tires are gathered after they are tossed away. This is also where they get burned afterwards. Sulaibiya, one of the largest lands on earth enslaved by the large amount of tires accumulated over the years, near the city of Kuwait. It is rumored that it can also be seen from space, which shows the great extent it has received. ere we will not do the inventory of how many tires have been thrown over the years and where they came from. This will not solve the problem. Tire burial is unacceptable because it becomes a nest for mice, mosquitoes and other microbes from stagnant water that are a source of various diseases, especially in Sulaibiya where temperatures are very high. Another way of free burning tires is prohibited because slow burning their toxic fumes they emit will pollute the environment, which is harmful to human health. Many decisions and laws have been announced and in some countries have begun to be implemented in England, Germany, Spain, the United States and others, showing the world that even this problem has a solution. They can be crushed and used to pave roads that will be more economical because it will be a thinner, more resistant layer and will reduce the noise level a lot. They can also be used for fuel for cement kilns, artificial sports pools, running tracks, children’s games and some of them in better condition can be regenerated and pedaled again. We hope that such a thing will happen in Sulaibiya as well. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!

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