Top 10 Most Dangerous Ports In The World October 15, 2016 122114 7Virgin Islands Source: Link Tourists were murdered in St. Croix years ago, and cruise ships have abandoned this port since then. However, some still dock at St. Thomas, where a 14-year old girl passenger was murdered. Click the next ARROW to see the next image! BackNext RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Best of the Best BonBon-Land: Denmark’s Funniest Park for Kids and Grown Ups Best of the Best What are some interesting facts about Iceland? Best of the Best What are some interesting facts about Peru? Best of the Best What are some interesting facts about Venice? Best of the Best What are some interesting facts about Thailand? Best of the Best What are some interesting facts about the Grand Canyon? Most Loved The Best Flea Markets in Liverpool December 20, 2019 The 10 Best Rooftop Bars in Istanbul January 29, 2019 Getting the Most Out of Life: Top 5 Best Benefits of Traveling March 5, 2020 The Most Popular Drinks in East Timor January 6, 2020 Worth Seeing Is It Cheaper to Rent a Car Online or Walk Into... Family Trip to Greece 4 Things To Consider When Choosing Your Vacation Villa Most Incredible Stories from Pridrangar Lighthouse: A Journey Through Iceland’s Maritime...