1. Abandoned Churches of Vilnius Old Town
Fancy visiting some of the scariest places in Lithuania? This country has plenty of them waiting for you to explore. Many buildings in Lithuania are abandoned and that’s the reason in most cases for being scary. The first one which is definitely one of the scariest, the churches of Vilnius Old Town is the place to be on a Halloween night. During the Soviet Occupational, the churches were closed down and left in ruins. The location is accessible to visitors, so you will find it pretty easy. You can walk around the ruins and discover the mystery of this place, and admire the excellent baroque style of the churches.
Location: Vilnius
2. Kaunas Fortress
One of the largest and oldest existing fortresses in Lithuania is Kaunas Fortress, which covers the largest part of the city. It was used during World War I, and it was the only fortress with a church, barrack towns, ring of forts, and soldier cemeteries, and has a long story. Today, it is completely abandoned and the perfect location for ghost hunting. Some parts of the fortress have become a museum, but the other remained ruins and home of the spirits of the soldiers.
Location: Kaunas
3. Silute Lutheran Cemetery
Silute Lutheran Cemetery is located in a remote forest area, and it was a place to memorize the Genocide of Lithuania Minor. More than 300,000 Lutherans were killed during World War II in this place, and it was quite fierce as the whole town of Silute vanished. There was not anyone who left alive from this place, so a myth says that the voices of the victims might be heard at the cemetery at times. However, the church and the cemetery weren’t destroyed as expected, so there are plenty of things to explore.
Location: Silute
4. Spa Nemunas
This building was made during the Soviet Union period, and it was made with the concept of a massive concrete building to be provided for holiday accommodation. Although, after its fall, Spa Nemunas was abandoned as there was not any demand for such services. It is quite a scary building, and it is not remind anything like a relaxing vacation, which is the reason why has scary stories to follow.
Location: Druskininkai
5. Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant
Last but not least, this is definitely one of the places you couldn’t imagine visiting. It was made also by the Soviet Union for generating power for Lithuania and other Soviet Union countries and has many workers buildings but never completely used due to unexplained reasons. The town of Visaginas is remote in the lakeside where the Nuclear Power Plant was made and it is pretty scary to cross the area, as many strange things happened there.
Location: Visaginas