De Havilland Aircraft Heritage Center
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St. Albans is a beautiful and interesting city found in the North of London. There are incredible museums and attractions there that will captivate you from the very first moment you set foot in the city. We have prepared a list of the most beautiful places in the city to prepare you for your next visit there. Here are the most amazing places to see in St. Albans! If you love collecting aviation memorabilia, then you have come to the right place. This location presents different kinds of aero-engines, aircraft, missiles, propellers, and rockets made by one of the earliest aircraft manufacturers. Some vintage flight simulators are also highlighted in this location. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Old Gorhambury House
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This location is suitable for those who are fond of exploring historical ruins. This was once a place that consists of the remains of the Elizabethan mansion constructed in 1563. Visiting St Albans should be a worthwhile experience for those who are inspired by art and historic locations, which are particularly abundant in the UK. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Organ Theater, Camp Road
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The Organ Theater of St. Albans is quite a location suitable for your cravings for the arts. In fact, St. Albans is one that features some magnificent collections of mechanical musical instruments, barrel organs, and old music boxes. You can enjoy regular performances throughout the year, including some special seasonal shows. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Gardens of the Rose, Chiswell Green
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Horticulturists should have a reason to enjoy this place because of the Gardens of the Rose at the Royal National Rose Society. It features the largest rose gardens all over the country, in which some date back to the 1800s. The public is welcome to visit, particularly during June to July during blooming season. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Verulamium, St Michael’s Street
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The settlements started to flourished here in 45A.D. The Verulamium is the 3rd biggest Roman city in the UK in which it was also the first formal Roman municipality in the country. Significant displays of some archeological finds are presented in the Verulamium Museum. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Church of St. Michael
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The church of St. Michael stands beside the Clock tower of St. Albans. It is where the ancient Roman forum was also located. It highlights the tomb of philosopher Francis Bacon and the 16th century Kingsbury Water Mill. The water mill now stands as a restaurant, along the banks of River Ver. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
Roman Theater of Verulamium, Bluehouse Hill
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The Roman Theater is just a few minutes away from Verulamium Museum. This is said to be the only visible example of its kind, which was linked to 2 temples intended for Romano-British gods and for religious festivities. This is also well-suited for dramatic and musical performances. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
High Street
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The Clock Tower stands in the middle of the old town of St. Albans. It was built in 1403, which provides a fine panorama across the historic streets and its surrounding countryside. It is also a location for the Market Place, which is known for its shopping and street market. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
St. Albans Traditional Street Market
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The market is full of history dating back to a special Royal Charter that was granted in 1553. In fact, it was well-documented in as far back as the 9th century. This location offers an excellent shopping experience, firmly established in the city center, running through St. Peter’s Street. Click the next ARROW to see the next photo!
St. Albans Cathedral, Sumpter Yard
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The size of the St. Albans Cathedral measures 556ft in length, which makes it second to the Winchester Cathedral. The Abbey Gateway is all that is left of the former monastery, which is the huge gatehouse in the south wall. This should be a great location for tourists looking forward to a historical religious structure.